programme FR              programma NL

Right Actions in Times of Ecological Disruption

We are living in strange times. Ecological disruption is unfolding in astonishing ways—people are suffering, forests are burning, and ecosystems on the brink of collapse. Yet, in the face of this reality, society seems more entrenched than ever in business as usual.

This raises a crucial question: What is the right thing to do? Whether you are an artist imagining alternative worlds, an activist on the streets, or a journalist writing for a newspaper—what actions are appropriate, sensible, and truly meaningful?

In her book It’s Not That Radical, climate campaigner Mikaela Loach offers a fresh and radical perspective for real climate action that could drastically change the world as we know it for the benefit of us all. Mikaela Loach will deliver a keynote at Ecopolis Festival and the Dutch translation of her book will be launched.

This will be followed by a panel discussion with Anuna de Wever (climate activist and author), Charlotte Van Den Broeck (writer) and Ine Renson (chief foreign affairs officer and deputy editor of De Standaard).

With an opening by city poet Lisette Ma Neza.
Moderator: Dirk Holemans (Oikos)

Language: EN
Location: Cinema Palace
Time: 11.00 – 12.30

Lobby tour

Sometimes stories in the news can make you wonder who is really pulling the strings. This walk exposes the role corporate lobby groups have in EU decision-making – who they are, how they get what they want, and how they affect you, and others like you all over Europe, from the food on your plate, to rules for bankers, to the chemicals allowed in everyday products.

A walk organised and guided by the Corporate Europe Observatory. The tour guide will be Hans van Scharen.

This tour is co-organised by the Green European Foundation.

The tour is fully booked, and reservations are no longer possible.

Language: FR
Location: European Quarter
Time: 10.30 – 12.15

Transformist Café

Everyone is Transformist at our Transformist Café. Between the interesting workshops and lectures at Ecopolis, you can discover doers/makers and alternatives here. Get started with needle and thread, meet a like-minded person, find out which doers can be found in your neighbourhood, get inspired and help build a big alternative map of Brussels.

Hope needs Action and here we shape action together.

We invite you to come and experiment with sharing, repairing and debating what impact it has on an eco-social society. We will provide coffee/tea/fresh drinks and inspiration. You for the action? Welcome!

Language: EN/FR/NL
Location: Muntpunt, Agora
Time: 12.00 – 18.00

How to keep democracy alive?

Democracy is a living, breathing thing, and Erica Benner has been reflecting for years on the role ordinary citizens play in keeping it alive. In her book Adventures in Democracy, Benner reveals the inescapable vulnerabilities of people power and invites us to think about why democracy is worth fighting for and what role each of us has to play. At Ecopolis, she will give a lecture on her book. After the lecture, Erica Benner will enter into a conversation with Hans van Scharen of Corporate Europe Observatory, they will discuss, among other things, the power of lobbying and how it weakens our democracy.

With: Erica Benner (political philosopher and author), Hans van Scharen (Corporate Europe Observatory)
Moderator: Elze Vermaas (Oikos contributor and author)

This conversation is co-organised by the Green European Foundation.

Language: EN
Location: Muntpunt, Literair Salon
Time: 13.00 – 14.30

The power of resistance

Together with De Buren, we are organising a discussion on the occasion of travelling writer Chris Keulemans’ new book, Verzet (Resistance). Why do some rise up while others do not? And: resistance to a dictator everyone understands, but when is action against a democratically elected government justifiable?

In 2023, people took to the streets against sitting governments in 83 countries, from China to Iraq to northern Macedonia. Online, millions more protested under hashtags like #MeToo and #BlackLivesMatter. And then the university occupations for Gaza had yet to begin. Everywhere we see people in resistance. Despite – or precisely because of – adversity, they are standing up. Despite – or precisely because of – repression, they carry on. Where do people get this enormous resilience? A panel discussion on different forms of resistance and the tension between activism and democracy.

With: Chris Keulemans (travelling writer), Nozizwe Dube (lawyer and activist), Hind Fraihi (investigative journalist).
With a literary contribution by writer and poet Stefanie Parisius-Sewotaroeno.
Moderator: Eveline van Rijswijk.

Language: NL
Location: De Markten, spiegelzaal
Time: 13.00 – 14.30

Joyful and effective. When art and activism join hands

The term artivism refers to the fusion of art and activism. The origin of the term is said to go back to a 1997 meeting of Chicano artists from East Los Angeles and the Zapatistas in Chiapas, Mexico. Artivism flourishes in times of unrest over pressing social and political issues. But how exactly does art play a role in activism and vice versa? The speakers give an insight into their rich practice, knowledge and experience.

With: Brigitte Herremans (Middle East expert, researcher), Isabelle Fremeaux (Laboratory of Insurrectionary Imagination, author).

Language: EN
Location: Muntpunt, Mallemunt
Time: 13.00 – 14.30

Workshop Climate Citizen Assembly (FR)

The citizens in a climate citizens’ panel appear to be quite capable of coming up with valuable policy proposals together that are far-reaching, ecological and social. But how exactly does a climate citizen panel work? And how do you carefully organise a citizens’ panel – how do you ensure that citizens engage with each other and that every voice is heard, how do you make sure you reach all citizens in the first place and how do you guarantee that the outcomes are realised? Experience a mini citizens‘ panel in practice, with, among others, the coordinator of the Brussels Permanent Climate Citizens’ Panel.

With: Merlijn de Rijcke (coordinator climate citizen panel Brussels)

This workshop is co-organised by the Green European Foundation.

Reservations are required for this performance (due to limited capacity). You will receive a link to make a reservation after purchasing a ticket.

Language: FR
Location: De Markten, zolder
Time: 13.00 – 14.30

Workshop Climate Citizen Assembly (NL)

The citizens in a climate citizens’ panel appear to be quite capable of coming up with valuable policy proposals together that are far-reaching, ecological and social. But how exactly does a climate citizen panel work? And how do you carefully organise a citizens’ panel – how do you ensure that citizens engage with each other and that every voice is heard, how do you make sure you reach all citizens in the first place and how do you guarantee that the outcomes are realised? Experience a mini citizens‘ panel in practice, with, among others, the coordinator of the Brussels Permanent Climate Citizens’ Panel.

With: Merlijn de Rijcke (coordinator climate citizen panel Brussels) and Elze Vermaas (Oikos staff member)

This workshop is co-organised by the Green European Foundation.

Reservations are required for this workshop (due to limited capacity). You will receive a link to make a reservation after purchasing a ticket.

Language: NL
Location: De Markten, zolder
Time: 15.00 – 16.30

Bon appétit: ingredients for social change

Nutrition is essential for health and well-being, but access to healthy meals is unevenly distributed. While the global food system combines overproduction with natural destruction, only a small minority eat well and healthily.

We are delighted to welcome French journalist Nora Bouazzouni, who in her recent book, Mangez les Riches. La lutte des classes passe par l’assiette, sharply criticises the current food system and the power of big corporations. What reforms are needed in the food industry? How can food contribute to change? Is it time to literally eat the rich? Can we find a recipe for a fair world for all? In this panel discussion, we discuss the role of nutrition in social justice and health.

With: Nora Bouazzouni (journalist, author), Maxime Geens (Le Pain Levé), Cristian Raggio (As Bean asbl).
Moderator: Khaoula Stiti (decolonial researcher, feminist)

Language: FR
Location: Espace Magh
Time: 15.00 – 16.30

Is the energy transition a smokescreen?

French historian Jean-Baptiste Fressoz unleashed a heated debate in 2024 with his essay “Sans transition”. In it, he argues that the concept of ‘energy transition’ is inextricably linked to the logic of capitalism. As long as we keep dreaming of hydrogen aeroplanes, for instance, instead of less air traffic, or sustainable concrete instead of stopping the construction of new motorways, the focus will remain on more production instead of the necessary shift to less use of energy and raw materials. Fressoz’s critical eye is complemented by Jorrit Smit, who examines how science policy and technology are shaping the energy transition, and by Chloé Mikolajczak, a leading activist working against the influence of the fossil industry and fighting for a post-growth society.

Avec: Jean-Baptiste Fressoz (science, technology and environmental historian), Jorrit Smit (researcher), Chloé Mikolajczak (activist).
Moderator: Alice Hubbard

This panel discussion is co-organised by the Green European Foundation and VUB Crosstalks.

Language: EN
Location: De Markten, spiegelzaal
Time: 15.00 – 16.30

The Practice of Democracy / An Attempt to Devise a Democratic Assembly (on the practice of assemblin, 2023)

In the participatory project An Attempt to Devise a Democratic Assembly, you and other visitors form a public assembly, the script of which is ready. Roles are distributed, such as the role of speaker, listener or moderator. The script, prepared in collaboration with young Brussels residents, contains their thoughts, questions and concerns. It indicates what to do or say. Or what not to do or say. Part of the meeting is not yet fixed and gives you the chance to share your own ideas about democracy and our society. Step by step and in the form of a game, the assembly also becomes a joint reflection on what a public assembly is. How important is physical presence in politics?

Concept, creation: Danae Theodoridou
Original script created in collaboration with: Ilektra Fragiadaki, Betina Panagiotara, Manos Vavadakis, Katerina Zisoudi
Ecopolis version created and performed by: Manar El Yahiaoui Afaquir, Anas Flouri, Basmala Hmamly, Amira Rexha, Sephora Moukhiss, Amira Barghout, Chahd Nasib, Panagiota Theofilopoulou, and 45 audience members/participants
Set design: Magda Dimou

Reservations are required for this participatory project (due to limited capacity). You will receive a link to make a reservation after purchasing a ticket.

Language: FR
Location: Brucity
Time: 15.00 – 16.45

Book presentation Enough

The term “degrowth” often causes panic among mainstream opinion makers and many economists in Europe. Economic growth is the lubricant of capitalism. We are told that if the economy is growing, all is well. But what do we mean by growth? Should everything keep growing endlessly? The ecological crisis shows that infinite growth on a finite planet is impossible. Meanwhile, the current economic system fails to secure livelihoods and deepens inequalities. There is an alternative to this self-destructive system: an economy of enough, which would provide for everyone’s basic needs while tackling greed and overconsumption.

With: Lara Ferrante (Oikos employee and co-author Enough), Dirk Holemans (Oikos coordinator and co-author Enough)

This book presentation is co-organised by the Green European Foundation.

Language: EN
Location: Muntpunt, Literair salon
Time: 15.00 – 16.30

No climate solution without democratic innovations

In 2016, Wales became the first country in the world to appoint a commissioner for future generations – essentially a ‘guardian’ of the interests of future generations. Sophie Howe, who held the post first and for seven years, reflects on the challenges and successes in Ecopolis.

In Climate Citizens Panels, citizens dare to make far more far-reaching proposals than politicians. Moreover, these proposals are often both social and ecological. In what way can citizen panels strengthen democracy and what is it like to participate in a climate citizen panel? We talk to Eva Rovers (expert on citizen panels and author of Nu is het aan ons (Now it’s up to us)) and 2 participants in the climate citizen panel in Brussels.

With: Sophie Howe (first commissioner for future generations), Eva Rovers (founder of Bureau Burgerberaad), two participants of the Brussels Climate Citizens Panel.
Moderator: Tine Hens (historian, author and journalist)

This panel discussion is co-organised by the Green European Foundation.

Language: EN
Location: De Markten, spiegelzaal
Time: 17.00 – 18.30

Resistance across generations

Resistance has always existed. Today, more than ever, we need to arm ourselves against the erosion of social rights, against the deliberate delay of the necessary climate transition, against the far-right and against further polarisation. Resistance stories from the past give us hope. What can we learn from them and how can we build on them? What should we do differently? What does resistance look like today?

With: Chris Keulemans (travelling writer and author of Verzet), Isabelle Fremeaux (Laboratory of Insurrectionary Imagination, author), Harriët Bergman (philosopher and activist) et Tess Okolie (biologist and environmental activist).
Moderator: Stefanie De Bock (De Transformisten)

Language: EN
Location: Muntpunt, Literair salon
Time: 17.00 – 18.30

Documentary The Pickers

We want cheap fruit and veg, all year. No problem. The pickers deliver, but they are paying the price for us. The Pickers is a journey to European fields where our fruit and vegetables are grown: in Southern Italy, Seydou from Mali is picking oranges. He has no contract and is paid per crate. He lives in a self-built hut in a settlement without water and electricity.
Blueberries in Portugal, olives in Greece, strawberries in Spain – one million migrants are currently working in European fields. The pickers are the mobile workforce that fills our supermarkets’ baskets, most of them without contracts or minimum wages, some without papers or with high debts with agents.

What we see adds a bitter taste to what we eat every day: Our daily fruit and vegetables are rooted in a system of exploitation.

No way out of this system? There is: Pape from Senegal is producing fair oranges in southern Italy: “We don’t want to be seen as revolutionary, we want this to be the new normal!”

A documentary, in collaboration with Food.Film.Fest. by Voedsel Anders.

After the documentary, there will be an aftertalk with Fairouz Gazdallah. She is a policy advisor on food justice at Oxfam. In her research and policy work, she focuses mainly on uncovering the links between food systems, gender, migration and international solidarity. She strongly believes in the power of diaspora communities to bring about political and social change.

Language: FR subtitles & discussion
Location: Espace Magh
Time: 17.00 – 19.00

The Art of Assembly

From Occupy Wall Street to Milo Rau’s The Congo Tribunal, from citizens’ movement to artistic project, German dramatist and writer Florian Malzacher has for years been exploring the theatrical possibilities and effects of protest, “assembly” and other political and participatory forms. He recognises a strong international need, among both artists and audiences, for theatre that not only addresses political issues, but that can be radical in content as well as in form. At Ecopolis he goes in conversation with two Brussels-based, internationally working artists, Anna Rispoli and Danae Theodoridou, who work with people whose voices need to be amplified in the public space. Both develop public meetings and assemblies, and they do so in close cooperation with these groups.

They will go in conversation about co-creation and about how their experience as artists helps them set up assemblies that can be more surprising, subversive, flamboyant or playful. What is the power of that artistic imagination? And what is its impact?

With: Florian Malzacher (dramaturge, writer), Anna Rispoli (works on the border between artistic creation and public space), Danae Theodoridou (performance maker and researcher)
Moderator: Lara Staal (researcher, curator, theatre maker and writer)

Language: EN
Location: Brucity
Time: 17.00 – 18.45